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Get Involved

​Mutual aid is mutual.*


Everyone has different needs and different abilities at different times - and in different forms! We are an all-volunteer, grassroots group operating in Chicago's Logan Square neighborhood. The only way we can meet the needs of our community is if we all step up to meet the demand for support.


Some of the needs LSMA works to meet include: picking up, sorting, and delivering food and collecting and redistributing money.


If you're looking to get involved, we organize our weekly volunteering via email, on social media, and on Slack. Follow our Instagram and Facebook pages. To get weekly emails with our opportunities, join the Logan Square Mutual Aid Google Group or submit the subscribe form in the footer below. Fill out the Chicagoland Food Sovereignty Coalition (CFSC) Volunteer Form to get looped into our Slack. A typical week looks like:

  • Wednesdays & Thursdays: Outreach: Call or text families to check if they want a delivery this week (Remote)

  • Thursdays 5-7pm: Free Store & Warehouse Hours: Come hang out, restock shelves, sort clothes 

  • Fridays 2-5pm: Grocery Bag Build: Bag food to be distributed to families throughout northwest Chicago

  • Saturday 11-12:30pm: Delivery Drivers: Pick up groceries and deliver to families

  • Saturday 10-1pm: Free Store & Warehouse Hours: Support the free store and load drivers up with grocery bags


You can stay in touch with us by submitting the subscribe form in the footer below or joining our Google Group directly

*For a great read on mutual aid, check out Big Door Brigade's excellent article.

Support Us

On average, we use over two thousand dollars a month to provide supplemental items to any neighbor who requests them and direct cash assistance. Your donation allows us to meet expressed, direct community needs.

You can donate food, baby supplies, household supplies, and other goods directly by emailing us at

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